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Charly and Johayron celebrate the success of their concert in Miami: "Today history was made, Cuba"

The Cuban singers say goodbye to Miami in style: triumphing in their concert at the James L. Knight Center.

Charly and Johayron said goodbye to Miami in style. The duo of Cuban singers said goodbye to the City of the Sun in the concert they offered on Saturday, April 6 at the James L. Knight Center, where they made their followers vibrate with their songs.

After the successful concert, the Cuban artists expressed their happiness for all the love and support they received on stage for their music and shared some of the moments they experienced at the show.

"The joy is from God, the results of us and the thanks to you, our audience who have given us so much! We love you with all our hearts!! There are no words to describe what we feel today standing on that stage. Today history was made Cuba. Write us in the books", they wrote on Instagram, where they also celebrated the reception of their new musical release, "Durísima."

"Dreaming with an accent on the S. Simply magical. The leaders of a movement. Thank you for loving us so much!! Very hard breaking up"wrote the singers, who during the show performed their most popular hits.

"A copy of me", one of their biggest hits, was one of the songs that could not be missing from the repertoire of songs they sang.

With this concert, Charly and Johayron put the finishing touch to their tour of the United States before their return to Cuba, where next weekend they will be singing for their audience in Havana.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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Izabela Pecherska

Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.