Cuban tells advantages and disadvantages of Houston after living in Miami

A young Cuban woman shares her experience about the advantages and disadvantages of living in Houston, Texas, after her move from Miami, through a video on TikTok.

Melinda, a young Cuban resident in Houston, has shared her experience after living in the Texas city for a month through a TikTok video. A video in which he analyzes the pros and cons, offering a perspective based on his personal experience.

At the beginning of your video,Melinda tells the disadvantages of living in Houston after having lived in Miami. The main cons that he observes are: the weather and the distance.

"For me the weather is not a problem, but for many people it is.Temperatures go from extreme to extreme. All stations are well marked. "When it's hot it's very extreme and the temperatures are quite high."explains this Cuban, who before living in Houston lived in Miami. "Secondly: the distances. The city is very big, especially for people who live on the outskirts. The distances are quite long," he said.

On the other hand, Melinda explained all the advantages she sees in the city from her point of view and what she has experienced during her time here.

"It is a very large city so there is a lot of job opportunity in any field of work. The economy, the cost of living here is super affordable. Education and schools are super good. And I give the traffic 10 out of 10, I have not seen an accident yet and I have driven at all times. It is very rare, the driving is quite good. The people are super friendly, at least in the area where I live., he concluded.

Many Cubans reacted to the video agreeing with some of the points Melinda makes.

"It's true in Houston they are very friendly!", "The distances and the weather are what shock the most... otherwise I feel pretty good", "I've been living in Houston for 10 years since I arrived and I love it" or "The advantages are immense about the disadvantages... I have been here for 10 years and very proud to live in Houston," are some of the messages they sent her.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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