Young Spanish woman goes viral singing Oniel Bebeshito's song: "She understands the cast more than many Cubans"

Young Spanish woman conquers Oniel Bebeshito by singing his song "Erukemban". "More Cuban than many," they told her on TikTok.

A young Spanish woman on TikTok has earned the approval of hundreds of Cubans, including that of Oniel Bebeshito himself, by performing part of the delivery song "Erukemban", in which the delivery man shares credits with Yhona.

There is a fragment of this song that has provoked varied reactions among dozens of Cubans on TikTok, some because they cannot fully understand what the artist means, and others who maintain that Cubans have a unique language. But that is not the caseDreah, a young Spanish woman who loves Cuban culture and that she has shown that she is a lover of the cast by interpreting the verses of "Erukemban" a cappella, provoking the reaction of Oniel Bebeshito himself.

"Spain lasts," commented the Cuban singer in the Dreah video, which has more than one hundred thousand views on TikTok.

"We can now give you your supply book", "This aunt understands the distribution more than many Cubans", "You can now be given Cuban citizenship hahaha", "More Cuban than many", "She understands better than many Cubans","Cuban at heart", "Not even a Cuban would have done it better" or "Mimi, you are more Cuban than the bread from the bodega hahaha," are other comments they left along with the video.

The fragment that Dreah sings has gone viral on TikTok, where many Cubans used that part of the song for their videos on the platform.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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