Aly Sánchez, Yoyi and Preña Palma get excited to the rhythm of "Al que Dios se lo gave it"

"The cheerleaders," is read among the fun reactions to the dance.

Aly Sanchez, Pregnant Palma andArc They once again showed off their best waist movements on social networks, where they provoked laughter and comments from their followers with their new dance.

While the latest Yomil premiere in collaboration with Dany Ome and Kevincito on the 13th plays in the background, the three of them get lost in the rhythm of the cast; at the end of the video accompanied by the grandmothers.

"To whom God gave it, we take it away*," wrote Aly in the post, who did not hesitate to send a message directly to Yomil in the comments: "you are not prepared for this."

The reactions of the fans celebrated not only the self-confidence they exude or the good time they have together but also theirlooks.

"I died with this picket"; "I died, but what beautiful and borrowed old ladies"; "The cheerleaders"; "Now Preña Palma with two pieces"; "Yoyi surpasses himself more every day in the hallways and movements"; "Grandma is tremendous"; "How envious of Yoyi's waistline"; "Pregna Palma, no one has more women than you, you are the king of the grandmothers"; "Oh, I can't handle that much"; "Now it's a tremendous quartet," reads among the messages they left them.

"Al que Dios se lo gave it", whose video clip was filmed in Cuba during Kevincito El 13 and Dany Ome's stay on the island, is about to reach its first million viewers.views on YouTube, where it has only been uploaded for three weeks.

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