Cuban celebrates that she bought a house in the United States without the help of a man: "I built mine and I have had a lot of work"

Cuban woman who bought a house in the United States goes viral on TikTok: "I don't believe in men nor do I believe in anything"

A Cuban resident in the United States generated applause on TikTok after sharing a video in which she celebrates the purchase of her new house with her mother. However, it is the message of economic independence for women sent by user @yunietgallardo that has made her video go viral.

"We just bought the house and we are painting with my only company, my mother. I don't believe in men nor do I believe in anything, that's why whoever comes has to have money because I've asked for mine, I've done it, I've done it." built me"says this Cuban who lives in Miami, whom we see sitting on the floor next to her mother while they eat in the new house.

"I have had a lot of work and if I don't pay anything, it is thanks to me and my mother, who has always been present with me. Better said, impossible", he concludes.

This testimony has resonated with thousands of users on TikTok, who congratulated her on this personal achievement and for underscoring her mother's crucial role in her life and success.

"That's how you talk", "That's how it is", "Empowered woman, single woman", "Congratulations. It's better to be alone. Inner peace is not negotiable", "Mothers are always there", "Always the mother first" or "Likewise, I am with my mother. My only support and she is an unconditional warrior. The only one who has been in my worst and best moments," are some of the comments that are read next to the video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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