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Plague of bedbugs frightens residents of Santiago de Cuba

The situation has worsened and, despite complaints to local authorities, including the Hygiene and Epidemiology office, no effective solutions have been obtained.

An infestation of bedbugs has alarmed several residents of a neighborhood in the province of Santiago de Cuba, who denounced the lack of attention to solve their problem by the government of that city.

According to a publication by the independent journalistYosmany Mayeta Labrada, residents of the central Patria Avenue sent him a complaint about this problem that has them worried and for which they have not found a solution, despite having turned to the corresponding authorities.

According to the communicator, the young woman who sent him the message said that the threat with this plague arose after "an elderly neighbor was living with these bugs inside his house, and went out naked to the street with tremendous itching."

The house of the man, who died a few days ago, is alone and riddled with bedbugs. “And, as if that were not enough, these bugs are coming out into the streets and are reaching the houses of the closest neighbors,” says the complainant.

He also says that “it's all crazy, when they turn off the power we go out with flashlights and prepared for the sidewalk to kill all those bugs and nothing. They are already entering other nearby houses and it can spread further.”

They confess thatHygiene and Epidemiology authorities of the “Julián Grimau” Health Area They know about the issue and they don't solve it.

“We don't know what else to do, because what we are most afraid of is that it will spread to other houses and then it will be too late,” they say.

Complaints about the presence of bedbugs in Santiago de Cuba are more frequent than one might think.The eastern Cuban province was also flooded by this plague in 2019. On that occasion the provincial weeklySierra Maestra echoed the information. Four years earlier, another plague of this arthropod had alarmed the citizens of Santiago.

Also a year ago,a primary school and other institutions in Santiago de Cuba set off alarms among the residents of that city.

The health authorities of that province acknowledged that they maintain close surveillance over a bedbug infestation. in the territory, but this is worsened by the shortage of insecticides.

Bed bugs are brown insects., slightly flattened, which can be easily confused with ticks or fleas, and which mainly bite at night while people are sleeping.

According to medical literature, the symptoms vary according to each person affected. Although some patients may not present any reaction, allergic processes generally arise, such as asthma exacerbation, urticaria, and other significant inflammatory reactions, almost always associated with red, itchy welts. These signs usually appear the day after the bite.

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