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Lenier Mesa dusts off a photo from four years ago: "Discipline begins with taking care of your health"

The artist's loyal followers will agree that Lenier was not at his best in 2020.

Lenier Mesa © Instagram / Lenier Mesa
Lenier Mesa Photo © Instagram / Lenier Mesa

The photos don't lie,Lenier Mesa's change in recent years has been radical, and it is worth noting that physically it has been for the better.

Cuban singer and composer He surprised his fans on Instagram with a photo from four years agowhich he compared with another current one.

The artist's loyal followers will agree thatLenier was not in his best moments in 2020.


Even the singer fully agrees with this, because along with the snapshots he wrote something that could well be taken as advice for his followers: “Discipline begins with taking care of your health”.

Your comment is surely due to the fact that in the photo on the left Lenier is seen to be extremely thin, while in the one on the right he appears with a better physical constitution.

Beyond his appearance, there is no doubt that the last four years in Lenier Mesa's life have been one of constant personal evolution, butespecially professionally.

Added to her success as a singer is the recognition she has achieved asinternational composer, writing songs for renowned artists.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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