​​​​​​​​Cuban mother can't hold back her tears when she reunites with her son after two years of separation

Ramón Rodríguez traveled to Cuba, after two years, to surprise his mother. She, very emotional, could not hold back her tears.

After two years of separation, a Cuban mother overwhelmed by emotion could not contain her tears as she hugged her son Ramón Rodríguez, leaving dozens of users moved by the scene.

The woman hung around the neck of the young man, who shared the moment in a video published on TikTok.

“I return to Cuba after 2 long years. A blessing to see you again. I love you,” the young man wrote in the published video.

This mother and her son received the blessing of people on the social network who enjoyed the excitement of the reunion.

Many of the Cubans escaping the regime on the island have no idea when they will see their loved ones again.

For this reason, the moment of reunion is always filled with tears and emotion.

A Cuban father, after two years of absence, He returned to Cuba and surprised his son by arriving without warning to hug him again.

“My son, you are my copy. I love you," wrote this Cuban father in the video published on TikTok.

Another young Cuban excited followers by sharing a publication of his emotional reunion with his family after five years without seeing each other.

On the social network TikTok The user @elchinocamilo shared a clip of less than two minutes to the rhythm of the song “Hoy” by Gloria Estefan, popular among Cubans at the moment.

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