It happens again: Cubans get off to push a train in Villa Clara

It happened on a train that covered the route from the municipality of Sagua la Grande to Santa Clara.

A group of Cubans were forced to push an old train that runs between the municipality of Sagua la Grande and Santa Clara in a scene that, although unusual, is not unprecedented in Cuba.

"This was on the Sagua-Santa Clara train. The things that are seen in this country are incredible," observed journalist Mario J. Pentón on social networks, who when sharing the images described the incident as symbolic.

"It is quite a symbol: Cubans pushing the old locomotive that no longer works. Clinging to an old machinery that should have been in the 'dumpster of history' a long time ago, using their own words...", he concluded.

In the video you can see how, amid laughter, only after some women got out of the car did the men who were pushing manage to push hard enough and the train continued on its way, leaving many in the middle of the train line.

It is not the first time that a similar video has gone viral and it is not the first time it has happened on a train between Sagua and Santa Clara.

In 2018, around twenty people were forced to push a train between both territories., until you can start it.

In September of last year, some images showed another group of Cubans also pushing for a train to move forward. In that case it was not revealed where the scene occurred.

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