Family desperately searches for their lost Rottweiler dog in Santiago de Cuba

Its owner offers 30 thousand MN pesos to whoever returns the dog and 15 thousand pesos to whoever tells her where it is, who has it or where she saw it.

Perro rottweiler perdido o robado © La Leona Negr / Facebook
Lost or stolen rottweiler dog Photo © La Leona Negr / Facebook

A family is desperately searching for their Rottweiler dog that was lost in Santiago de Cuba and is offering a reward to anyone who returns it or tells where it is.

The user ofFacebook identified as "The Black Lion"He reported that the animal was lost or stolen last Sunday around 10:00 am, when it went out to the yard for about 10 or 15 minutes to do its business like every day, and its owners were waiting for it to come into the house.

Photo: La Leona Negr / Facebook

"When they went out to call him, he had disappeared, they have searched for him all over 10th Street in Altamira and all of Versalles, 14th Street and surrounding areas and no one has seen him, he could not be found," he stressed.

"I ask, with my heart in my hand, that if someone grabbed it and has it in their house without knowing who it belongs to, or if someone has seen it, please contact me," he pleaded.

Capture from Facebook / La Leona Negr

La Leona Negr offers 30 thousand pesos MN to whoever returns the dog and 15 thousand pesos to whoever tells her where it is, who has it or where you saw it. She assures that she will not create problems for whoever informs her or gives it to her.

"I hope they have not sold him later because we still know him and we will continue looking for him without stopping, he has a unique mark that only by killing him will not be seen. I also do not hope that they kill him because it would be very cruel," he said.

Photo: La Leona Negr / Facebook

"Any information, please, will be helpful. Contact the number: +53 50156921, +53 5 9300823, +53 5 9782027," he concluded.

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