Eva Mendes, proud of Ryan Gosling's Cuban accent: "My Cuban daddy made this Cuban mommy so happy!"

"Years of living with my dad were really worth it," Eva Mendes celebrated on her social networks.

Eva Mendes couldn't be more proud of her Cuban roots and he never misses the opportunity to demonstrate it publicly in his appearances or social networks, making clear the influence of his parents in his life. Something that seems to have also spread toher husband Ryan Gosling, to the point of having an applauded Cuban accent, as he demonstrated inSaturday Night Live.

The actor was in the popular show and in one of the sketches he played an American married to a Cuban woman, which reflects his real situation. In the scene he appears with two Latin friends, one Dominican and the other Cuban, Kenan Thompson and Marcello Hernández.

During this sketch, the actor jokes about how his Cuban wife has influenced him even in his way of speaking, transforming him into a complete "Cuban daddy.""A Cuban wife can change you"says Ryan Gosling, after Kenan explains:"I'm Dominican, he's Cuban [Hernández], and he [Gosling] is from Tennessee, but since he married a Cuban woman, it's different".

Upon seeing this scene, the actress of Cuban origin could not hide her pride and excitement at seeing her husband giving life to a "Cuban daddy."

"My Cuban daddy made this Cuban mommy so happy with this! Years of living with my dad were really worth it", the performer wrote on Instagram, where other Hollywood colleagues and her followers applauded her husband's performance in the show.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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