Cuban father searches for missing son: "He went out to work and did not return"

The young man has been missing for 24 hours, since he went to work on Thursday he has not returned home.

Frank Roja Photo © Facebook Franci Roja

Andcuban father, a resident of the Antilla municipality, in the Holguín province, asked for help on social networks to find hismissing son from this Thursday.

The userFrank Roja He posted a message on Facebook asking his followers for help in locating his son. He said he feels desperate because the young man does not return home and it is not his usual behavior.

Facebook Franci Roja

"He has been missing since yesterday. If he does not appear within an hour I will report it to the police," Franci said on social networks, without detailing in which city the young man disappeared, or his full name.

He explained that his son "went to work yesterday at 6:00 in the morning and has not returned or called anyone."

Friends and family of the young man remain attentive waiting for him to return home safely.

This week it was reported in Havanadisappearance of an elderly Cuban who suffers from dementia. Facebook user Marlon Úbeda, the man's nephew, shared a photograph and offered a reward of 30,000 pesos to whoever finds him.

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