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Panadero claims to make real Cuban bread in the US.

The professional works in a bakery called "Sabor de mi Tierra" and affirms that in the US "you are not going to eat a Cuban bun with that quality."

A baker based in Denver, Colorado, claims that he makes real Cuban bread in the United States: "don't buy it from me at Walmart anymore," he says.

The professional works in a bakery called "Sabor de mi Tierra" and affirms that in the US "you are not going to eat a Cuban bun with that quality."

In a video posted onTikTok Show off your results by showing off a round, soft, freshly baked bread.

"Look at that crumb, look at theflow of that bread," he says.

Previously, this baker had declared that he sold a product with "the formula ofcuban bread. It is the bread from the cellarCuba, but in the United States we don't steal oil, sugar, or flour. "We don't steal any of that because there's no need."

This bread is known by many names in Cuba, such as: "bolito", "bon", "de bocadito", "suave" or "redondo", but the quickest way to identify it is as "bread from the winery, the good one".

A baker who commented on the publication validated the quality of the product: "Good quality bread, I was a baker in Cuba and believe me it has good texture and good floor, excellent preparation."

"That bread with fried egg, the best," said another.

Bodega bread is terrible in most places in Cuba today.

The problems are not in its formula but in the poor quality of the ingredients used to make it.

Added to this is the chain of thefts of products used in bakeries, at all levels, from when the flour is unloaded at the port, to the weight of the bread that is sold to citizens.

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