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Huge lines to withdraw cash at ATMs in Santiago de Cuba

The workers and pensioners of El Caney, in Santiago de Cuba, wake up in huge lines in the hope of accessing the little cash that the regime places in the ATMs.

No cesan las colas en los cajeros automáticos de Santiago de Cuba. © Collage captura Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
The lines at the ATMs in Santiago de Cuba do not stop. Foto © Collage captura Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

Extractcash of ATMs continues to be a headache for the inhabitants of the city of Santiago de Cuba, a problem to which the regime cannot find a solution.

The workers and pensioners of the town of El Caney were forced to spend the night of Thursday and the early hours of last Friday making acola without even having the hope of accessing the little money they put in the ATMs, according to what communicator Yosmany Mayeta published inFacebook.

Captura de Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

"Although many have woken up early, they fear they will not be able to get some cash and they are going to have to resort to the 'changers' who are charging between 10 and 20% interest," explained the content creator, pointing out how citizens are forced to look for solutions on their own given the regime's inability to find effective answers.

The images, which show many elderly people, confirm that the search for money, along with food management, are some of the main problems that affect the inhabitants of the city of Santiago de Cuba, in the midst of the worsening of theeconomic crisis.

However, the distressing scene is not exclusive to this city, since at the beginning of the month, in Las Tunas, exactly the same thing happened:a long line of people begging to get some of the scarce cash they put in the ATMs.

“This continues to be a serious situation in ATMs in this province and throughout the island. Long lines and not even private shops and businesses can charge due to lack of money,” denounced theCuban Observatory of Human Rights.

On this topic, recently the Central Bank of Cuba suggested to Cubans that, given the recurring shortage of cash in ATMs,went to the warehouses or other commercial establishments of the Ministry of Internal Trade in order to use extra cash service.

According to the entity, in this way through the EnZona application you can withdraw up to 5,000 Cuban pesos in cash at points of sale by scanning a QR code.

However, in the same city of Santiago de Cuba, the official press admitted last March thatThere are problems with the extra cash service in several government facilities.

A newspaper reportSierra Maestra revealed that in some places the payment channels (EnZona and Transfermóvil) are not enabled, and many only allow customers to use one of the two, which makes it even more difficult to withdraw cash through the extra cash service in the city. Oriental.

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