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Pinar del Río resumes fuel sales with priority to state vehicles

The government says that there is an increase in gasoline volumes that allow sales to the population to resume.

Venta de combustible en Pinar del Río © Gobierno de Pinar del Río
Fuel sales in Pinar del Río Photo © Government of Pinar del Río

Pinewood of the river announced the restoration of thefuel sale to the population, with priority to the state sector, a measure that, according to the government, seeks to guarantee order and equity in distribution.

Thefuel sale It came into effect this Monday, April 22 at 8 in the morning, affecting all municipalities in the province, with the exception of the capital city, which will begin on Tuesday the 23rd.

Facebook Government of Pinar del Río

Heincrease in gasoline volumes assigned to the province and the availability of this resource in several service centers, make it possible to resume sales to the population, although with a clear priority for state sector vehicles.

The territorial management of the Cimex corporation said that each vehicle will be able to load up to40 liters of gasoline, as long as this amount does not exceed the capacity of the tank.

Facebook Government of Pinar del Río

Distribution will be carried out in various service centers located throughout the province, offering different types of gasoline, from Motor B 83 to Special B 94.

Among the municipalities that will see the sale reactivated are Sandino, Guane, Mantua, and Viñales, each with specific fuel options.

In the city of Pinar del Río, theSiboney service center will be exclusive for state cars, while others such as Las Américas and Oro Negro will continue to operate with sales in US dollars.

Cuba has been experiencing an acute fuel crisis for several years, leaving transportation problems and blackouts throughout the country.

This resumption of sales seeks to alleviate the difficulties that the Pinar del Río population has faced due to fuel shortages, but is accompanied by severe warnings against hoarding and illegal transportation, practices penalized by law.

The provincial government has called on the population to respect the provisions.

The value of fuel will be maintained according to the rates that came into effect on March 1 of this year, with prices that vary from 114 CUP per liter for Motor B 83, to 156 CUP per liter for the Special B 94.

Furthermore, a call has been made to thepower plant owners to contact the Municipal Administration Council for authorized sales.

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