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Alarm among women and girls due to the presence of dangerous individuals on the Camagüey bridge

The frequent sightings of sexual harassers in the city of Camagüey worry the women of that town.

Sexual harassers are frequent on the Finlay Avenue bridge, in Camagüey Photo © Facebook / José Luis Tan Estrada

Theconstant presence ofsexual harassers in the vicinity of the Finlay Avenue bridge, in the city ofCamaguey, is a cause of great concern among women, whothey feel unprotected due to the lack of action on the part of the local government.

"This photo was taken by my 14 year old niece today at 7:30 in the morning while I was on my way to Cándido González secondary school," an alarmed person reported to journalist José Luis Tan Estrada, who spread the concern on the social network this Wednesday.Facebook.

Facebook capture / José Luis Tan Estrada

“This citizen goes out every morning and afternoon anywhere on this date and doing his thing,” said the complainant, who added: “Many are afraid of him and run, because this area is full of these types of people.”.

One day can end in something serious because they are chased and no one does anything.", noted the person, warning that the harassers operate with total impunity, a situation that should be known by the local authorities, who have paid little or no attention to these events.

In this regard, the Cuban journalistJosé Raúl Gallego He stressed that this situation is not new, noting that that area has always been known for the presence of harassers.

He also highlighted thesurprising indifference of the regime to this problem, considering that the area is adjacent to the military sector of the Camagüey municipality, which has a considerable size unit and a surveillance post that specifically has that area under observation.

a person calledDiana Perez Carmenates commented on the publication warning thatThis situation is repeated in all educational centers in Camagüey: “Even in the university itself there are these types of characters,many times the teachers themselves are the ones who fall behind, but a complaint is never made about this.”

The young woman, who has been a victim of this type of situation, warned that it happens more frequently to women who walk alone, "I always tell them things and they flee either on foot or by bicycle, there is one who rides a cycling bike." ,and the police do not take action on the matter”.

Likewise, the communicator Yosmany Mayeta denounced that in the city of Santiago de Cuba it is also common to see sexual harassers: “and they are not only in parks, but in the vicinity of the Hospitals”, he pointed out.

The Cuban official press has warned about the issue on more than one occasion; However, this problem is one of many that the regime cannot solve.

A group of Cuban women told the official portalCubadebate theexperiences of sexual harassment they have suffered on public transportation in Havana.

A young woman shared the unpleasant experience of watching a man in his 50s masturbate behind her in a P9. Even though four years have passed, the memory still makes her feel bad.

The newspaperSeptember 5, published a report where it denounced the number of people (mostly men) who masturbate in public, in full view of their victims (almost always female), in the city of Cienfuegos.

The official mediaHe called on the regime to demand a strong hand to stop the rise of public masturbation in that city..

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