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Controversy continues after fight between El Taiger and Ja Rulay in Cuba

El Taiger would have spit in Ja Rulay's face in a bar in Havana last week.

A strong controversy among Cuban reggaeton playersAnd Rulay and El Taiger, after a fight between the two, lit up social networks this Wednesday, with tirades from both sides.

"It amazes me how you lie to people, that's why I don't give space to the networks because they don't deceive me. You were with a security and you spit in my face and you backed away. Please don't publish the sizes anymore, Get on and come to Cuba. I was three days behind you, I'm waiting for you to arrive in Cuba, if you have the shorts you had here, come to Cuba," said Ja Rulay in one of his Instagram stories.

In another short video he continued: "You like to make a fool of yourself, but you were in your hotel and the police kicked me out. You're a tremendous snitch, a State security agent. I'm going all out on you, I'm damned." on your mother," he concluded.

A week ago a video emerged where the so-called "Daddy of the Cubs" arrived at a place in Havana where El Taiger was, whose real name is José Manuel Carvajal Zaldívar, and after telling him to go out to fight in the street, the reggaeton player based in Miami spat in his face.

Since then, both have been involved in a tirade that keeps fans in suspense.

El Taiger, known by his fans as "La Tranca" stated in a video that "you had all the time in the world to do something to me, we were from here to here, less than a meter away," when he supposedly spat in his face.

"I was there and I saw all those people had a problem a while ago and when they were fighting," commented a follower on Instagram.

"Until yesterday I unloaded on Taiger, how is he going to mess with Jaru, asere," said another.

This WednesdayJorge Junior shared a post on social networks in which he announced that El Taiger will spend a few days with him in Cuba and expressed his support.

Director ofThe 4 He commented in his writing that this will happen once he completes the professional projects he is currently working on and that he is willing to confront anyone who criticizes his cousin.

"I'm going to say something and I don't want bad interpretations. I've stayed out of all the problems and if things are for gentlemen, I've stayed in my place. Now, the super handsome ones and the showgirls, I'm not going to allow it." Jorge Junior commented in his post published on Facebook and accompanied by a photograph of both singing on stage.

Then, he adds: "Finishing my work commitments, my cousin El Taiger will come to spend a few days with me in Cuba. The person who has something pending and wants to solve it as a gentleman alone, without problems, will be given the task. Now I don't want inventors , nor showgirls who want to earn points with these problems, he is not alone. I already said it and whoever disagrees has two jobs.

This decision comes days after the fight with Ja Rulay and the arrest and subsequent hospitalization of El Taiger last week in the city of Miami, where he resides.

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