Video of voracious fire that claimed the life of a young man in Matanzas is released

The fire devoured the premises, which was surrounded by trees and located a few meters from homes.

A video shared on the Internet by an Internet user shows the voracious fire that broke out in Matanzas on Wednesday morning and claimed the life of a young man worker.

The tragic event occurred in Pálpite, a town in the Ciénaga de Zapata, in a place popularly known as 'the plaza', built mainly of guano.

The victim was identified as Tonicón, 32, who was working as custodian of the place and apparently was trapped between the flames.

The recording, shared by Arisbel García Méndez in the group of Facebook "I love Jagüey" allows us to see the fire that had already devoured the premises, which was surrounded by trees and located a few meters from homes.

Several neighbors can also be seen watching and some even filming with their cell phones.

The person who died in the accident has been described as "someone very loved by everyone."

"Another unfortunate and disastrous fire in a recreational center and even more regrettable the death due to incineration of that young man. What an EPD. And my sincere condolences to his family and friends," said Pablo Piloto Rodríguez, tourism worker.

According to Yailen Jorge, a friend of the victim, "he was inside and, unfortunately, he did not have time to escape."

"He was burned to death in there," the young woman reiterated in another publication.

Several people speculate that the fire may have been arson, although so far the authorities have not issued any official note on the causes of the incident.

"Whoever did it will carry the weight of that innocent death for life," said an emigre.

"My God, what an outrage, people have to stop, they don't understand that those who are not at fault always pay," said another woman.

"You can't imagine what the people who live close to that place went through, including me with a small child. I was just asking God that my house wouldn't burn down and my son would be safe. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, everyone. We regret the death of that poor boy, may he rest in peace," wrote Mailen Ray Heredia Aliaga.

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