And now with grandma! Seidy La Niña and her mima get excited dancing the "La Temba" challenge

If anything is clear, it is that we already know where Seidy's savoir-faire comes from.

Seidy The Girl has decided to recruit the “tembas” of his family todance the challenge of his new musical song “La Temba”.

If a few days ago he surprised his followers with thelaunching the challenge with his mother, who is also the protagonist of the song's video clip, now he dared to do it with his grandmother.

“Be careful, my mime is also the fear”, she wrote amusingly next to the video in which she appears with the lady dancing to the rhythm of the song.

If something is clear, it is thatWe already know where the deliciousness of Seidy La Niña comes from, because the grandmother followed her granddaughter in every step of the challenge, enjoying this moment very much.

Not even in the artist's most daring steps,The grandmother gave up and with a smile imitated her. causing laughter even from his own granddaughter.

Their dance triggered several comments from the singer's followers: “Your grandmother is beautiful”; “What a beautiful blessing”; “What a beautiful grandmother”; “How beautiful, enjoy it a lot”; “Blessings to that beautiful woman”;“How cute your mima is. God bless you"; “Oh, but how cute is the grandma dancing 'La Temba'.”

Seidy premiered “La Temba” five days ago and the video clip already exceeds 59 thousand views on YouTube.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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