To laugh: Antolín El Pichón returns it to Insurrecto after giving leather to his shoes

The reggaeton artist and the comedian starred in a fun moment on social networks.

The comedian Ángel García, better known as Antolín El Pichón, and the Cuban reggaeton player Leandro Medina Fellow, or simply insurrection, have starred in a fun moment on social networks.

It all started when both Cuban artists met to promote an event and the comedian began to joke with the urban singer's shoes.

However, what Antolín El Pichón did not expect was that Insurrecto would take charge of the matter. The reggaeton player began to make fun of his boots, causing all the jokes to fall on the comedian.

"The Insu took me hard", commented the comedian after sharing the scene on his Instagram account that has brought a smile to more than one follower.

However, revenge was not long in coming. In another meeting that Antolín El Pichón and Insurrecto held later, the comedian took revenge by joking this time with the green flip-flops that the reggaeton player was wearing and which he combined with a pair of stockings with a striking print.

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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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