Cuba declares the Sierra de la Gran Piedra as its second National Geopark

The Sierra de la Gran Piedra was declared a National Geopark of Cuba, with a focus on conservation and sustainable development of the environment.

The Sierra de la Gran Piedra, along with the Heights of Santa María de Loreto and the Coastal Terraces of Mar Verde-Baconao, has been proclaimed as the second National Geopark of Cuba.

The resolution was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic, where they assure that this area, located in Santiago de Cuba, stands out for its agroforestry management programs, soil and water conservation.

The region will host restricted speleological explorations, with controlled access and the presence of authorized experts. The Eastern Center for Ecosystems and Biodiversity (Bioeco) will be responsible for the management and protection of the geopark.

The projects carried out there will have a focus on the sustainable conservation of this valuable ecosystem, its cultural and natural heritage.

The Great Stone, is an imposing rock formation 51 meters long, 25 meters high and 30 meters wide, and with an estimated weight of more than 63,000 tons.

It is located on the highest peak of the Sierra de la Gran Piedra, part of the Sierra Maestra mountain massif. It reaches 1,225 meters above sea level.

This enigmatic colossus is the subject of various theories that try to explain its peculiar location. Some suggest that it is the result of a meteorite that impacted the region millions of years ago, while others propose the explosion of an underwater volcano.

However, what is indisputable is that La Gran Piedra offers a unique experience in Cuba. Climbing its 452 steps rewards you with the most spectacular views of the surroundings, making it an essential destination for any visitor.

He Cuba's first National Geopark was the Viñales Valley, declared as such in 2021, marking an important milestone for the preservation and valorization of natural areas in the country.

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