Cuba is admitted as a member of the International Electronic Sports Federation

Cuba's admission into this international institution marks a milestone for eSports on the island and will allow it to participate in global competitions.

Cuban Electronic Sports Group Photo © Venceremos

TheCuban Electronic Sports Group (ADEC) was admitted as an official member of the International Electronic Sports Federation (IESF).

This event promises to revolutionize the competitive field of eSports on the island, facilitating access to international events such as the World eSports Championship and promoting the professional development of Cuban players.

Membership Certificate /Cubadebate

The aforementioned tournament, known for its rigorous national and regional qualification system, will now be open to Cubans, who have faced restrictions in their participation in international platforms, according to the government, due to sanctions imposed on the country.

The news has surprised many Internet users because Cuba is a country that suffers from great technological backwardness, continuous blackouts and little access to equipment for the development of electronic sports. Despite this, the authorities assure that there is progress in this area.

"This membership in the IESF gives us the opportunity to compete on equal terms at the global level and to represent our flag, something that is in perfect harmony with the objectives of the ADEC," he said.Javier Vidal, president of ADEC.

In parallel, video game development in Cuba has also seen recent advances, highlighting the creation of "Saviorless", the country's first independent video game launched on international platforms.

It was developed by the creatives Josuhe Pagliery and David Darias. "Saviorless" is a milestone in the Cuban gaming industry, setting a precedent for innovation and perseverance in the face of the economic and technological adversities in the country.

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