Oniel Bebeshito's song deleted: "Unfortunately, we were not granted permission"

Find out the details about the elimination of Oniel Bebeshito's song.

Oniel Bebeshito © Oniel Bebeshito / Instagram
Oniel Bebeshito Foto © Oniel Bebeshito / Instagram

The reggaeton player Oniel Bebeshito has had to do without a song from his musical repertoire. This is his song "Enganchada", which has had to be eliminated for carrying a sample that already characterizes another single.

This was made known by the urban music singer himself through a statement he made in the stories section of his Instagram account and in which you can read:

"The song 'Enganchada' contains the sample of another song. Unfortunately, we were not granted permission to use it, so the publication of 'Enganchada' has been definitively cancelled".

Oniel Bebeshito / Instagram

Despite this small incident, Oniel Bebeshito continues to focus on his professional career. In fact, the reggaeton singer has traveled to Spain where he will tour several Spanish cities as well as other European countries.

Oniel Bebeshito / Instagram

From the José Martí airport in Havana, Oniel Bebeshito uploaded a photograph to his stories in which he appeared dressed in black and with his Cuban passport in hand on his way to board his flight to Spain.

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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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