Yarelis denounces aggression by Lázaro and seeks reconciliation with her husband Raciel

The Cuban Yarelis made two important announcements: she decided to leave Lázaro due to abuse, and that she will win back her husband Raciel.

The Cuban Yarelis Lugo reported this Friday to Lazaro Perez due to physical abuse, starting a new chapter in this stormy Relationship that has caused so much controversy on social networks.

Lugo published a video on YouTube where he showed traces of abuse in different parts of his body, clarifying that for this, and other reasons, he decided to end the relationship with Pérez. At the same time, she announced that she is winning back her husband Raciel.

The young woman said that, although she apparently was fine with her ex-partner, in a recent argument he “it closed and gave me”.

In the video, the woman showed the bruises which he has on his left arm, on both sides of his face, on his right leg, and explained that he also has one on his head, clarifying that it was the result of a blow “near the ear.”

Despite everything, Yarelis clarified that Lázaro “He is not violent nor do I want to speak badly of him”, while pointing out that “It has its virtues and its defects”.

“What I cannot allow is that every time we go to argue he touches me, gives me,” said this woman and added: “There is no need for that.”

Yarelis decided not to forgive Lázaro because, according to her experience, he will not change. He mentioned that on other occasions he had already let some pushes and slaps happen.

Furthermore, addressing the women, he recommended that in this type of case it is better not to forgive men.

Everyone knows that I love Lázaro”, but he insisted that he decided to leave because of what happened last Friday.

I don't give it another chance because it scares me.", he stressed, although it is not the first time that both have reconciled, just as happened last March.

In a surprising turn of events, Yarelis said that the second objective of the video was to inform that she is trying to get her husband Raciel to forgive her once again.

Because “after many years of marriage, wonderful bonds of friendship, companionship and understanding emerge,” he pointed out.

“He is being tough on me, but I hope so, because he has never touched me or spoken badly about me anywhere,” said this young woman who last March He celebrated achieving a trio with Lázaro and Raciel, her legal husband, and Lazarus.

Yarelis emphasized that she is trying to win back her husband with “his skills and with his sauce” because “he is a very good man and I have given him a very bad time.”

As expected, common among such high-profile people, the woman closed the video with an invitation: “Follow me for more content”, suggestive message that could indicate that this story still needs more chapters.

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