Through tears, Cuban stars in emotional reunion with his daughter and mother after 5 years

Cuban reunites with his daughter and mother on the island after 5 years

A Cuban father named Omay Briel has shared with us the emotional reunion he experienced with his daughter and her mother on the island after 5 and a half years.

A surprise visit full of emotion and tears in which we can see this man surprising first his daughter and then her mother. A heartbreaking scene in which emotions cross the screen.

The material, sent by the protagonist of the reunion, summarizes those beautiful moments experienced after more than five years separated from his mother and daughter. Some images that he wanted to share with all CiberCuba readers.

This type of content is common on social networks, where Cubans who arrive on the island after several years show that long-awaited moment of unity with their loved ones. Scenes that move thousands of Cubans from all over the world and become viral due to the longing and nostalgia they awaken in others.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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