Cuban assures that he will be deported after 13 years and two children in Sweden

New laws affect immigrants in Sweden and this Cuban is experiencing the tense situation firsthand, without finding solutions.

And Cuban resident in Stockholm, assures that he could be deported to the island very soon, for not updating his identity document in Sweden within the established time.

"I arrived in this country in 2011. All this time I have had my papers and I have paid taxes. I have two Swedish children, with their Swedish passports, one 8 years old and one 12 years old. For not renewing my documents at time, the State decides to deport me to Cuba," said the Cuban.

This young man identifies himself as Sendelemald en TikTok, a social network where he has shared his story to alert other migrants about how harsh the laws are in Sweden and the importance of always having their identity documents in order.

He noted that he stopped updating his papers because he was involved in a legal process to regain joint custody of his eldest son. This entailed great effort and expenditure of money, which distracted him and had consequences in his private life.

Many people have reacted upon learning the story of this Cuban. Some users believe that Sentelemald is hiding details, which could be more illuminating about their situation.

However, other followers of the young man show him support on social networks, leaving messages of solidarity and there are those who confirm that hundreds of migrants in Sweden are going through similar situations.

Sweden was traditionally seen as a welcoming country, but since 2023 political narratives linking migrants to crime have grown and exclusion policies have tightened significantly.

The Swedish government refuses to promote the European pact on Migration and Asylum. A few months ago they were studying a bill so that public sector workers have the obligation to report people without a residence permit in Sweden to the immigration authorities.

Sentelemald commented that upon his return to Cuba, he will try to launch his musical career. He noted that he will take this challenge of returning to the island with optimism and believes that it will help him reunite with his family, after living in Sweden for 13 years.

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