The four Cuban rafters rescued in Mexico recover satisfactorily

Local reports indicate that the four men were able to communicate with their family in Cuba, through video calls via WhatsApp.

Cubanos rescatados en México © Facebook/ EnlaceMx Noticias
Cubans rescued in Mexico Photo © Facebook/ EnlaceMx Noticias

The four Cubans rescued by Mexican fishermen near the coast of Tamaulipas, last Friday, are recovering satisfactorily from the dehydration and severe malnutrition they suffer, according to local mexican media.

Mario Sergio Marquez Ventura, Yuresqui Romero Hernandez, Goddess and Rogelio Fuentes They are admitted to the San Fernando General Hospital, where this Sunday they began a liquid diet.

David García Luna, director of the hospital institution, assured the newspaper The morning from Tamaulipas, that the four patients are progressing very well.

“Clinically, his state of health is improving; Internists frequently monitor them, who are recommending that they should be under observation until next Tuesday,” the official explained.

In addition, It was learned that the four men were able to communicate with their family in Cuba, through video calls via WhatsApp.

According to the Mexican media EnlaceMX NewsThe most delicate, in terms of health, is Diosan, 26 years old.

The Cubans were rescued last Friday by a fisherman named Claudio Meza Méndez, along with other companions, after they had been at sea for more than 30 days.

In their statements they said that they left Cuba on April 1, in a boat made of sheets and pieces of wood, heading to the United States. On the way their rudder broke, causing them to get lost in the open sea.

During the time they were at sea, they suffered from strong storms with waves that exceeded five and six meters in height; During the storms, four Cubans fell into the water, perishing at the bottom of the sea, the newspaper specifies. The morning.

The raft with the Cubans was located three kilometers offshore from the Boca de Catán Barra, which is located in front of the towns of Punta de Piedra and Carbajal in the municipality of San Fernando, in Tamaulipas, the media outlet mentions.

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