Jacqueline Arenal enjoys "unique and wonderful days in Bogotá with the infinite magic of love"

Followers on social media reacted with blessings and praise for her beauty.

Collage: Jacqueline Arenal con su esposo y con su hija © Instagram / Jacqueline Arenal
Collage: Jacqueline Arenal with her husband and daughter Foto © Instagram / Jacqueline Arenal

With praise for both for their beauty and messages of blessings, the followers of Jacqueline Arenal to the new photos that he posted on networks with his daughter Camila Bordón.

"Unique and wonderful days in Bogotá with the infinite magic of love!! Thank you beloved daughter, thank you Alfre, thank you Lolito, it couldn't be better," wrote the eternal Verena Contreras of the Cubans in the publication, which also includes a romantic posed with her husband Alfredo.

"Beautiful as always"; "Totally beautiful mother and daughter, God bless you always"; "A beautiful way to bear witness to life"; "All some ladies"; "Beautiful family!! many blessings"; "How beautiful they are both", "What a beautiful family, I love the images, oh by the way, the glasses look spectacular on you Jake, blessings"; "Those photos of the two of them are very beautiful, blessings"; "Beautiful mother and daughter. Very talented"; "Two beautiful drops of water," reads among the reactions that the photos provoked.

Declarations of love of this type or celebrations of moments together or important dates are common on Camila and Jacqueline's social media profiles.

Last April, on the 10th, it was Camila - also daughter of Mijail Mulkay - who He congratulated his mother on her new return to the sun with a photo that attests not only to the love they profess but that in addition to artistic talent they also have beauty in common.

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