Erick Lexi shares with Seidy La Niña: "Shall we do something together?"

New group of Cuban artists on the way?

Along with a video of a relaxed conversation with Seidy The Girl, Erick Lexi He asked his followers on social networks if they released something together.

"We are here thinking to see what we do, if we do something tropical, we do something hot, or we do something what you were telling me," La Niña tells the 'Lexinático' in the few seconds that the exchange lasts.

"A mixed, fused, tasty cumbia," he says, to which La Mulatica adds "just like the stadium."

"You are late"; "Yes beautiful"; "I believe that what you two do will be a candle with a pica pica," is read among the reactions of the followers of the Cuban singer and composer, among which there was no shortage of icons of hearts and fire or Seidy's "Ay dio."

At the moment, neither of the two gave more details about what they would be cooking, although it would not be the only collaboration that La Niña has in the oven, since at the beginning of last March made the dream of recording a song with El Micha come true.

Erick Lexi, for his part, continues to enjoy the success of his most recent collaboration with another Cuban artist, El Chacal, whose song "Chupito" It was released three weeks ago and already has 30 thousand views on YouTube.

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