Beautiful brother moment! Children of Chacal and his wife La Leidy melt the networks with tender video

The little children of El Chacal and La Leidy steal the show in a charming video that has fallen in love with their followers on the networks.

The singer El Chacal and his wife La Leidy form one of the most beautiful families in Cuban entertainment along with their two children, Milan and Paris, who have become the center of their parents' lives.

The parents drool over the two little ones, and no wonder, because they are so adorable.

From some moments they live with children they are making us accomplices through social networks and the latest to melt everyone with a most tender video It was the Cuban, who on the children's TikTok account (the chacalitos) published a beautiful scene in which we see them interact. For eating!

In reaction to this video, the family's followers sent blessings to the jackalitos and congratulated Ramón Lavado and Anisleidys Valdés (the couple's real name) for the beautiful family they have formed.

The couple's firstborn turned 3 years old last March, while the little one came into the world in November of last year coinciding with the celebration of Thanksgiving in the United States.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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