Son of Trump and Melania enters politics as Florida delegate to Republican Convention

Barron Trump, at 18, will make his political debut as a Florida delegate to the Republican Convention where his father will be nominated.

Donald Trump, su hijo y Melania © Captura de imagen en YouTube
Donald Trump, his son and Melania Photo © Image capture on YouTube

The Republican Party in Florida confirmed that Barron Trump, the youngest son of the former president Donald Trump, has been chosen to be part of the southern state's delegation to the Republican National Convention.

At 18 years old, the young man, who will graduate from high school next week, will participate in the crucial convention where his father will be officially nominated as a presidential candidate for the November elections.

Barron Trump, who has kept a low profile compared to his brothers, will be one of Florida's 41 delegates at this important political event.

The convention, which will take place in Milwaukee from July 15 to 18, will also feature Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Tiffany Trump as part of the Florida delegation.

Evan Power, chairman of the Florida Republican Party, expressed his excitement at having such an outstanding group.

"We are fortunate to have a great group of grassroots leaders, elected officials and members of the Trump family working together as part of our delegation," Power said.

This event marks a milestone in the nascent career of Barron Trump, beginning his career under the shadow of his father and brothers, in American politics.

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