Cuba and Puerto Rico! The long-awaited ballad by Lenier Mesa and Olga Tañón is here: "I don't know who I am"

The two artists have come together in a beautiful ballad that is part of the Puerto Rican's next album.

Lenier Mesa y Olga Tañón. © Youtube / Olga Tañón
Lenier Mesa and Olga Tañon. Photo © Youtube / Olga Tañón

It took a while, but the delay was worth it. It's here the long-awaited collaboration between Puerto Rican singer Olga Tañón and Cuban artist Lenier Mesa, "I don't know who I am". A romantic ballad that is part of the new album by La Mujer de Fuego and that the singer of "Como te Pago" composed.

With a video clip shot in Puerto Rico, The two singers interpret with feeling the beautiful lyrics composed by the Cuban. In the video they appear dressed in the most elegant clothes and also as homeless people. A contrast that stands out in the scenes of the official clip, which is now available on Olga's YouTube channel.

"I know that I am not the mirror where you look at yourself, the streets where you walk, I am just a truth that was made into a lie, I am just the poor love of your life, but how easy it is for me to forget who I am", they sing in the chorus of the song.

During the last few days, the two artists have been promoting and teasing this song in interviews and on their social networks. Lenier revealed that the union happened organically and without planning.

"We were working on Olga's album in the studio, when I showed her that song and, as a lover of romantic music and beautiful music, she told me 'we are going to do this song and we are going to do it together'", said Lenier, who with this collaboration adds one more to the list of works he has with renowned international artists.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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Izabela Pecherska

Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.