Baby on the way! Justin and Hailey Bieber announce that they will be parents for the first time

With a beautiful and tender video on their Instagram profiles, the couple shared with their followers the happiness that overwhelms them due to this pregnancy.

Justin y Hailey Bieber They surprised all their fans this Thursday with some nice news: They are expecting their first baby!

With a beautiful and tender video on their Instagram profiles, the couple shared with their followers the happiness that overwhelms them due to this pregnancy.

The images begin with Justin and Hailey, dressed as a bride, renewing their vows. After the kisses, hugs and the words that they dedicate to each other, the singer walks away and reveals his wife's belly, which has already begun to show, thus revealing that in a few months they will be parents.

The publication also includes several snapshots, some in black and white, in which Hailey proudly shows off her pregnancy and others in which the two caress the tummy where their baby on the way is growing.

Although rumors of Hailey's pregnancy were already circulating, in a few minutes the news went viral on social networks.

In 2018 Justin and Hailey Bieber got married and the arrival of their first child will mean a new beginning for this couple whose family is beginning to grow.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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