Private transportation will provide free service to the cemetery for Mother's Day in the town of Holguín

Vehicle departures are planned in the morning, every half hour.

Iglesia de San Germán, Holguín (Imagen de referencia) © Internet
Church of San Germán, Holguín (Reference image) Photo © Internet

The authorities of San Germán, a town in the Urbano Noris municipality of Holguín, announced that next Sunday, Mother's Day, private transporters will provide their service free of charge to those who go to the cemetery.

Vice Mayor Aldaines Rodríguez La O informed the local station Radio SG The Voice of Sugar about the insurance for that day, when many people whose mothers have died usually go to the cemetery to pay tribute to them.

The note published in Facebook details that departures are planned at 7:00 am, 7:30 am, 8:00 am, 8:30 am, 9:00 am and 9:30 am.

Capture of Facebook / Radio SG The voice of Sugar

The vehicles will leave from 14th Street, in front of the Cadena del Pan.

On Mother's Day it is common in Cuba for people to go to the cemetery to visit the graves of their absent mothers and pay tribute to them on that special date.

Some time ago, the authorities in the provinces reinforced transportation to the place to facilitate the movement of visitors.

Last year, the Colón Necropolis, in the Havana neighborhood of El Vedado, was filled with people who came to remember the deceased mothers.

Parades of flowers - whose price was within the reach of very few - and many tears flooded the cemetery.

Several masses were sponsored by Cardinal Juan de La Caridad García in the cemetery chapel, where relatives were able to pray for their absent mothers.

After two years of restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic, in which graves could not be visited With the maternal remains to avoid concentrations and displacements, Cubans were once again able to pay tribute to those who gave them life.

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