Moved to tears: La Diosa shares a fan's reaction to her new song "Corazoncito rojo"

The song has already exceeded 49 thousand views in two days.

Moved, grateful and happy, she confessed The goddess on social networks with the reception that his followers are giving to his latest premiere, "Corazoncito rojo", the first in which he sings with his daughter Reychel.

"How emotional for me, thank you!" he wrote on his Facebook profile along with a video of a fan who cannot contain her tears when listening to a fragment of the single.

On Instagram, by sharing the same video, he celebrated the good reception and support: "Seeing the excitement of my followers with this song makes me happy, thank you all," he wrote.

The song, as can be read from the reactions on digital platforms, has received the majority of applause from its fans, many of whom have commented by telling personal anecdotes, catharsising feelings or sharing the emotions it has provoked in them.

"Never in two years have I cried for the death of my mother and with this super song I cried for the first time, a thousand blessings. You can't imagine what I felt when releasing those tears that I repressed for years"; "The song is very beautiful, very emotional, it brings tears to anyone's eyes"; "Beautiful song, it's so beautiful and even more so when you have your mom in the distance"; "That song moved my soul and my feelings because I don't have a mother Ami, tears also came out, many congratulations, blessings"; "He who did not cry with that song is not an admirer of good music, very beautiful, with a lot of feeling and very clean, Happy Mother's Day"; "Truly, that song and Reychel's tender voice... brought out many tears..."; "You have to have a heart of stone not to shed a tear with that song, just that tender and sweet voice of Reychel breaks hearts," they commented on the post uploaded a few hours ago.

Before this publication, La Diosa had dedicated some emotional words to the mothers of her day, for whom she had also given away her song "Corazoncito rojo" since Friday, which two days after its release had already surpassed 49 thousand views a Youtube.

"Mothers are sacred. My goodness, wherever you are, my congratulations also go to you. Mothers are the only beings who continue to care for you even if they are not in the land of the living," he said in his message, which he accompanied with an image with his children from the video clip of his latest song and in which he recognized the mothers and sent a message of faith to those who have their children far away.

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