Young Cuban woman arrives to the island as a surprise after 2 years: This was the emotional reunion with her father

The video exceeds 100 thousand views on TikTok, where this young Cuban woman published the beautiful scene.

A young Cuban woman returned to the island after two years without notifying her parents of her return, starring in a surprise reunion with his father that is exciting thousands of Cubans from all over the world after sharing it on TikTok.

The emotional scene takes place on the road, when with the help of an accomplice he approaches this father to tell him that he has a package for him in his car. As she approaches the vehicle, her daughter gets out of the car and they both run to embrace each other in a beautiful hug that is impossible not to be moved by. In tears, This father and daughter hug each other, starring in a most emotional reunion.

The video was shared by TikTok user @cubanitacepero, under the title: "Surprise trip to Cuba after 2 years. The first to be surprised was my dad, he almost died".

"The best TikTok videos bring tears to my eyes", "First cry of the day by strangers", "What a way to cry, my mother", "You made me cry" or "Beautiful meeting, blessings", are some messages they left along with to the images.

The emotion conveyed by the reunions of Cuban emigrants with their families transcends the screen and there are thousands of netizens who view this type of content on TikTok, turning these videos into viral ones.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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