This is how Julio Iglesias Jr. and the Cuban model Ariadna Romero celebrated their first anniversary together

A year has passed since the couple decided to give love a chance and start their courtship.

Ariadna Romero y Julio Iglesias Jr. © Instagram / Ariadna Romero
Ariadna Romero and Julio Iglesias Jr. Photo © Instagram / Ariadna Romero

Julio José Iglesias Jr. and Ariadna Romero They are celebrating. The couple formed by the Spanish singer and the Cuban model meets their first relationship anniversary. An important occasion that they wanted to celebrate publicly on social networks by sharing photos together and shouting their feelings from the rooftops.

Although it was in August of last year when the couple confirmed their romance, surely waiting for their relationship to strengthen, since they made it official they have not stopped showing that their love story is going from strength to strength and they have been sharing photos together of some of the beautiful moments they have lived together.

And now, that they have celebrated their first anniversary, they wanted to share some unpublished photos of them showing what a good couple they are.

"One year together. I love you!" said Julio Iglesias Jr., while Ariadna wrote: "One year together already. I love you baby."

Although the first months of their courtship opted for discretion and secrecy, in the summer of last year the couple decided to make their relationship official with a photo together on Instagram. At that moment, all eyes were on the son of Julio Iglesias and Isabel Preysler and the beautiful 37-year-old Cuban model.

The actress is also known in Italy, where she has developed a large part of her career as a model, performer and also appearing in several reality television shows. In addition, she has an almost 7-year-old child from a previous relationship with whom Julio Iglesias Jr. has gotten along perfectly. Congratulations!

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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