A Russian tourist who spent a million rubles from Cuba tells about her experience and why she doesn't want to return

The blogger says she doesn't regret the trip, but stresses that she didn't like "the indifference and unwillingness of the locals to make an effort and do something."

Auto antiguo de alquiler en Cuba (Imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
Old rental car in Cuba (Reference image) Photo © CiberCuba

A Russian tourist and blogger who went viral a few months ago after reporting How complicated was their 16-day stay at the five-star Iberostar Laguna Azul hotel in Varadero?, admitted in an article published now that he spent one million rubles - almost $11,000 - on that trip, which he made in the company of three other people from his family.

The exchange rate of one million rubles amounts to no less than 10,940 dollars - at the current exchange rate - a figure that many Russians who commented on his publication have considered absurd for a two-week stay in Cuba.

Conversion of a million rubles to dollars

Elena Liseykina, author of the blog "Travel with a camera", now returned to the subject in order to consider What mistakes did you make during your trip.

His reflections, however, are not so much in the sense of thinking about how he could have saved money, but rather about how he could have had a better time.

“You could write that the entire trip to Cuba was a mistake, but this is not entirely true. Despite all the peculiarities of the country and the fact that I really don't want to go back there (at least for my money), I don't regret the trip because Cuba is colorful and unusual”, he began saying.

However, despite considering the experience "interesting," he stated that he does not want to return because he disliked it. "the indifference of the locals and the unwillingness to put in the effort and do something."

Liseykina explained that before the trip she had calculated the approximate costs of a hotel with three meals a day for four people and how much it would cost to rent accommodation in a private house and eat on the street, concluding that an "All Inclusive" category hotel was better. since eating on the street was going to be more expensive, plus he was aware that the markets had zero supply.

However, in view of his failed experience at the Varadero hotel, he now believes that It would have been better to combine a week in a hotel and for the rest of the days book accommodation in accommodations run by individuals.

Something he jokes about is how useful it would have been to bring an electric kettle from Russia to make teaWell, he doesn't drink coffee and in Cuba it became impossible to have access to boiling water in the hotel, as incredible as it may seem.

"In a five star hotel, There was no kettle in the room and in the restaurant, instead of boiling water, they brought slightly warm water. Apparently, so that tourists do not accidentally burn themselves, because there are no remedies for burns in pharmacies," he ironized.

"I used an interpreter and tried to explain that I needed to make tea, and I made a gesture: a complete failure. The only normal tea in Cuba, by the way, was when we spent the night at the locals' house. Everything was magnificently resolved there, but at the hotel, a complete fiasco," he said.

Although the blogger lost some of the paid All Inclusive days for visiting the city of Trinidad, where they stayed with individuals, judging by their experience in that city, they had a better time than on all the days they paid for in a hotel in the state.

And again and again Liseykina returns in her various articles about her experience in Varadero to the dubious quality of service in the hotel facility.

On this occasion, the blogger returned to the issue of tips, which he had previously described as “wild” and which he admits he did not give up on, something that may have influenced the poor service he received.

"Everything inside me is against giving money and gifts just like that. And in Cuba, it just doesn't work any other way. Unlike normal countries, where you first receive a service and then thank you for it, in Cuba you first have to pay a few dollars and then expect to have a clean towel in your room or it won't show up," he said.

"Naturally, when 90% of tourists follow these rules and bring mountains of chocolates, cosmetics and other gifts to the 'poor' maids, they don't want to work any other way. And they are always waiting to be given something," he added. .

Would Elena Liseykina give tips without much thought if she returned to Cuba? Although it doesn't say it clearly, The Russian blogger suggests that being more generous with tips would have paved the way for her.

The expectation regarding the service also confesses that it was even lower than what he had already been warned about.

"I was warned not to expect any special level of service in Cuba. But it didn't occur to me that in a five-star hotel there would be no fruit, and that carbonated drinks in bars would run out. They put drinking water in the room, but only half a liter per person. Of course, you can find it, but to do so you will have to go to a bar," he complained.

"You can also wait for a response from a girl at the reception for 15 minutes. And this not because of the queue, but simply because she is 'very busy,'" he added.

On the other hand, the Russian tourist admits that although “People in Cuba are very sociable and welcoming”, his poor command of Spanish made it difficult for him to move freely, although he says that he cannot say that he had great difficulties in communication.

“If you plan to travel around Cuba on your own, without using the services of guides, then without Spanish it will be very difficult”, he advised.

“In short, Cuba is special. I know people who are simply delighted with this 'feature', but it's not me. I liked the color of the country, the old American cars, the picturesque devastation, but I didn't like the indifference and lack of will of the locals to make an effort and do something," concluded Elena Liseykina, who says she is clear that she will not return to Cuba. .

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