Cuban actress Yía Caamaño obtains residency in the United States

The artist excitedly shared the news with her followers on Instagram.

Cuban actress Yía Caamaño This Sunday he received pleasant news, finally You already have your residence in the United States.

The artist shared with her followers on Instagram a video in which she looks very excited opening the envelopes with the notification of her new status in that country.

Thanks to my lawyers for not letting me go in these anxious months! For making me feel informed and protected more than once,” was the actress' thanks in her publication.

Yía Caamaño took advantage of the video to tell her followers What was your process to obtain residency? under the guidance of his lawyers, in the hope that it can be of use to others.

The protagonist of the soap opera “Pending Matters” arrived in Miami at the beginning of last year with the intention of settling in that city, where he has continued his career in acting.

The actress He joined the cast of the humorous “Kicking the Can Miami” and has also participated in television projects on the PRONYR TV platform along with other Cuban artists.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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