A foreign hotel chain will operate domestic flights in Cuba with its own airline.

It will operate towards the Coco and Santa María keys, Santiago de Cuba and Holguín.

  • CiberCuba's editorial team

Avión ATR-72, con capacidad para 72 pasajeros que realizaría los vuelos © Muthu Aviation
ATR-72 airplane, with a capacity of 72 passengers, that would operate the flights.Photo © Muthu Aviation

The president of the hotel chain MGM Muthu Hotels, Nesamani Maran Muthu, confirmed the intention to carry out domestic tourism flights in Cuba with its own airline, Muthu Aviation.

Muthu Aviation will operate flights to Cayo Coco and Santa María, to Santiago de Cuba, and to Holguín, as stated by the executive in recent statements to the official newspaper Granma during the 42nd edition of the International Tourism Fair (FitCuba-2024).

What has not been disclosed is when the flights are expected to start, as this is not the first time that MGM Muthu has announced its intention to operate domestic flights in Cuba.

At the end of October 2023, the tourism portal Publituris indicated that flights would begin from December - of the past year - and would have an ATR 72-600 aircraft certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), once the procedures with local authorities were completed.

On that occasion, the director of Muthu Aviation, Keith Campbell, who presented the project during the 5th edition of Bolsa Destinos Gaviota, a showcase of Cuban tourism offerings that took place in Cayo Cruz, explained that the initiative would be an added value for travelers who could move between different tourist destinations on the island quickly.

The project was born in response to the lack of air connections within the country, which forces international tourists to travel long hours by bus between Havana and other tourist destinations in the country.

Muthu Aviation's project, which was only awaiting some authorizations, was expected to kick off in December of last year with an ATR-72 aircraft, with a capacity for 72 passengers, which would be certified by European entities and operated by European pilots and crews, which, according to Keith Campbell, would be essential to attract European and Canadian tourists visiting Cuba.

We have a European airplane that we are going to bring here, which operates under European parameters and regulations. We have European crew, including pilots and flight attendants, as well as engineers and certification from EASA - European Aviation Safety Agency, which ensures compliance with European regulations. It is a safety guarantee for European passengers and allows travel agents to book our flights with complete confidence," the official revealed.

Despite being a project of the same group belonging to MGM Muthu Hotels, which operates several hotel units in Cuba, Keith Campbell revealed that the flights would be accessible to anyone who wants to book them, either individually through websites like Skyscanner or GDS for travel agents.

"Our flights will also be available for tour operators who want to plan trips to Cuba. It is not a service only for Muthu Hotels, it will be a service for everyone. Muthu Aviation comes to operate in Cuba for all those who want flights in Cuba," Keith Campbell added.

On that occasion, it was mentioned that the routes would connect Havana with Cayo Coco, Holguín, and Santa Clara.

Routes that entail certain changes with the one revealed now by Granma. The state media outlet anticipated, in a triumphant tone, that with this new attraction "an increase in the number of visitors to Cuba is expected, especially those coming from Asian destinations such as India."

MGM Muthu Hotels has had a presence in Cuba for several years and, according to its president, there will be new investments in the future.

One of them was signed at FitCuba-2024 with the Cubanacán Group for the marketing and administration of the Segundo Frente hotel, in the Sierra Cristal, with around 600 rooms.

Looking to the future, Nesamani Maran Muthu emphasized that they intend to have an agriculture business to sustain the facilities.

This means that the hotel chain will grow the fruits and vegetables consumed by its tourists.

In response to the question of why MGM Muthu Hotels is in Cuba at this time, the president of the hotel chain expressed that "the future lies in the Caribbean."

MGM Muthu Hotels is one of the most important hotel chains in Cuba, with 12 properties and close to 2,000 rooms.

Recently, they introduced, an online platform that facilitates booking accommodation and activities in the country. The company expects to reach 15 establishments before the end of the year.

The Cuban government remains determined to boost tourism on the island as a lifeline to a crisis that continues to worsen.

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