Four Cuban mothers stand up in the government of Pinar del Río

The women are in the place with six children.

Madres en Pinar del Río © Facebook/Diasniurka Salcedo
Mothers in Pinar del RíoPhoto © Facebook/Diasniurka Salcedo

Four Cuban mothers stood this Friday at the headquarters of the provincial government of Pinar del Río to demand a solution to poverty, hunger, and power outages.

One of the protesters explained that there are four women with their children waiting to be assisted at the facility: "One of the mothers is with a child, me and my child, another with a three-month-old baby, and another mother with three children," she noted.

In a Facebook post, Cuban activist Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia stated that "it is Cuban mothers who are stepping up," despite "it being an entire people living in poverty."

"Only they leave," he lamented.

Mothers protesting. Pinar del Río.Facebook Diasniurka Salcedo

Last Wednesday, seven other Cuban mothers with their little ones stood in front of the government of Marianao, in Havana, demanding housing, food, and clean water.

However, in a gesture of total disinterest on the part of the authorities, the women were attended to 12 hours after starting their protest, and at the building's entrance, they were not even allowed in.

Last month, those same Cuban mothers stood in front of the residence of the leader Miguel Díaz-Canel in Havana and were also not attended to.

Mothers protesting. Pinar del Río.Facebook Diasniurka Salcedo

After that protest, they were threatened with jail time by the State Security of the regime.

Cuban women claim they can't take it anymore, without food, without housing, without clean water, and with power outages of up to 20 hours a day where malnourished children also cannot rest due to the heat and mosquitoes.

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