They move a coffin on a tricycle due to fuel shortage in Bauta

These types of transfers have been on the rise on the island due to the fuel crisis the country is experiencing.

A Cuban family residing in Bauta, Artemisa province, had to transport their deceased in a tricycle to the cemetery due to the lack of fuel in the country.

In a video shared with CiberCuba, you can see how the coffin is transported on a tricycle, commonly used for the transportation of personnel or goods.

This video reaffirms the serious fuel crisis facing the country, which has led to scenes like these becoming more common among Cuban society.

At the beginning of the year, the body of a "Cuban revolution fighter" was taken to the cemetery on a tricycle due to the lack of a hearse in the municipality of Sagua de Tánamo, in Holguín.

The facts were reported by a relative who described as "shameless" what they were experiencing.

My uncle Primitivo died yesterday and today, for his burial, they are moving him in a tricycle because the town of Sagua de Tánamo in Holguin doesn't have a car to transport him. Despite being an international combatant," denounced the user identified as Orlys Pérez Matos.

The same thing happened with the deceased mother of a Cuban resident in Camagüey, who had to transport her body in a rickety vehicle to the cemetery.

This man sent a public message to the Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, in which he denounced the leaders of the Party and Government of the Florida municipality for not being able to even maintain a car for the transportation of the deceased.

On the other hand, in the province of Santiago de Cuba, trucks B8, normally used for the transportation of sugarcane, have been seen being diverted to transport coffins with deceased individuals.

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