Eduardo Antonio poses for the lens of his husband like a true heartthrob.

The celebrity shared a photo on his Instagram while enjoying himself in a pool.

Eduardo Antonio © Instagram / Eduardo Antonio
Eduardo AntonioPhoto © Instagram / Eduardo Antonio

An afternoon of rest is always welcome for Eduardo Antonio, and there is nothing better for the artist than posing for a camera when behind it is his husband, Roy García.

The star shared a photo on his Instagram while enjoying himself in a pool, taking the opportunity to show off his handsome image.

The day is perfect for a nice swim. Enjoying this lovely afternoon and posing for my husband's camera lens," she wrote in the post description.

Just like he doesn't want things, he also left with a somewhat spicy hint that has been accompanying him for some time: #sufreenvidiosa.

A few hours earlier, she had posted on Instagram another one of her catwalks with a breathtaking look that elicits as much praise as criticism, but does not seem to faze her life.

A moment of leisure is welcome when this weekend Eduardo Antonio has commitments with his audience.

On Saturday the 18th, he will be at El Sartén Restaurant & Lounge in Hialeah, and on Sunday the 19th, he will be at his usual matinee show at Tamalazo de Krome.

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Deneb González

CiberCuba Entertainment Editor

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