Otto Ortiz celebrates 19 years of marriage: "We never appreciate the person we have by our side."

"Today marks 19 years since I married this woman," were some of the words the artist dedicated to his wife.

Otto Ortiz y su esposa ©

The Cuban comedian Otto Ortiz is celebrating because he is celebrating nothing more and nothing less than 19 years of marriage to his wife, the Cuban Mily.

The artist wanted to share this special date with all his friends and followers on social media, so he posted on his Facebook account accompanied by beautiful words dedicated to his wife and several photos of both of them.

Today marks 19 years since I married this woman, and if I owe her anything, it's for being by my side in all moments, in the bad ones (she has behaved well) and in the good ones (where she fights and almost turns them bad). Unfortunately, we never value the person we have by our side, or we do, but we don't say it. I want to take advantage of today to do it. Thank you, my love. The bad news is that we will continue being together for 19 years and more," he said, adding at the end of the post that touch of humor that has always characterized him.

Otto Ortiz has managed to form a beautiful family with Mily, who, as the comedian pointed out in his post, has become one of his greatest supports both in his career and personally.

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Yare Grau

I am a native of Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana, and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. Currently, I am part of the CiberCuba team as a writer in the Entertainment section.

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