Díaz-Canel and Lis Cuesta mourn death of Iranian President: "Admirable politician loved by his people"

"The Iranian people are celebrating to the rhythm of fireworks! This is how it will be in Cuba when you fall, it will be a national holiday!" said a Cuban.

Díaz-Canel y Ebrahim Raisi en Teherán © Presidencia de Cuba
Díaz-Canel and Ebrahim Raisi in TehranPhoto © Presidency of Cuba

The ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel wrote a message of condolences for the death of the president of Iran, whom he described as an "admirable politician loved by his people."

After the death of Ebrahim Raisi was confirmed on Sunday when the helicopter he was traveling in crashed, Díaz-Canel wrote on his Twitter account that the Party and the people of Cuba "profoundly regret the loss of a great friend."

Cuban internet users reacted with indignation to the publication and demanded that they not speak on behalf of them.

"The Cuban people? Did you ask about them? Honestly, I don't think they regret this accident at all. On the contrary: they realize that there is something called God's justice. You, buddy, will know it too," a man predicted.

"An admirable politician who killed more than five thousand prisoners in the 80s and who ruled a country where women have no rights... those are the references of communist Cuba," recalled democracy activist Mag Jorge Castro.

"That terrorist assassin was not even loved by his own mother. Gear up and take a little spin right where he was, by helicopter, I'll pay for the trip," said a doctor.

"You exclude us Cubans from your shady deal, that's the first thing. Second, the barbarian was so beloved by his people that last night they were celebrating with fireworks. You have a lot of nerve celebrating misogynistic, homophobic, and terrorist men, but well, he was your little buddy for a reason," a blogger pointed out.

For her part, Lis Cuesta shared the tweet from the ruler and sent condolences to the wife and daughter of the Iranian president, and to the people of Iran.

"I also need condolences, because I have been sleeping without electricity for weeks, with mosquitoes, and with a child suffering these life atrocities," replied a young father.

"You are a cyberwarrior who can attend a demonstration in support of homosexuals and also send condolences to a murderer of women and homosexuals. You have less intelligence than an amoeba," said a Twitter user.

Several users reminded him that women's rights are violated every day in Iran.

"Why don't you show solidarity with the women this one ordered to be killed for not wearing a veil?" asked a man.

Condolences to all the women in Iran whose rights are violated day by day," emphasized an internet user.

"But he was an extreme right-wing killer who ordered the hanging of women for being raped, for allowing themselves to be raped! Is the Cuban revolution really so bad? Is this what it has come to?" pointed out an internet user.

"The Iranian people are celebrating to the sound of fireworks! That's how it will be in Cuba when you fall, it will be a national holiday," a young woman said.

The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, died along with several high-ranking officials who were with him in the helicopter, such as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Governor of East Azerbaijan province, and the region's lead Imam.

The Ayatollah regime is a close ally of the Castro dictatorship.

Raisi received Díaz-Canel last December in Tehran, during his tour of Middle Eastern countries.

The Cuban ruler then spoke about his intention to strengthen ties with the Islamic country, and for it to become an important economic actor to help Cuba overcome the crisis.

As part of the official delegation that accompanied Díaz-Canel, his wife was also present, who appeared "delighted" to be sightseeing in Iran. She visited museums in the historical and cultural complex of Saad Abad and was seen very excitedly taking photos with her cell phone.

The Iranian president traveled to Havana in June where he met with Díaz-Canel and Raúl Castro.

In the official welcoming ceremony, the Cuban leader emphasized the "unity among those of us who have been condemned for wanting to build societies different from the ones the Yankee paradigm wants to impose, and that is why we have been subjected to blockades, unfair, inhuman, unjustified sanctions."

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