"Brand Mandarina": The hit by Bebeshito and El Taiger that is going viral on social media.

In just over 72 hours, "Marca Mandarina" has already surpassed 550 thousand views on YouTube.

Oniel Bebeshito and El Taiger are making a huge impact on social media; their new musical collaboration "Marca Mandarina" has been very well received among urban genre enthusiasts.

The reggaeton artists released the song and its music video just three days ago, and it's already dominating the top charts of the most listened to in Cuba and Miami.

The chorus has unleashed madness on TikTok, and dozens of Internet users are starring in their reels with it in the background.

"I'm the one who annihilates you / Let it burn, let it burn / Tell him to walk / Let it burn, let it burn / Tell him to come down / That he's not top-notch / That's not top-notch, that's mandarin / Aguaje doesn't get stuck in a routine," says the part of the lyrics that spread like wildfire.

Some have even dared to make their own versions of the song with different sounds.

Even actor Alejandro Cuervo joined the viral trend and unleashed himself dancing to the song on his Instagram profile.

In just over 72 hours, "Marca Mandarina" has already surpassed 550,000 views on YouTube.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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