After arriving in the U.S., Marta's "grandson," the most viral Cuban grandmother on social media, speaks.

The young Cuban clarified that Martha will never lack anything.

Ariel Ramos Perdomo, the young Cuban who became famous for his videos on social media alongside Marta, an elderly woman whom he called "grandma," confirmed upon his recent arrival in the United States that Marta is not his real grandmother, although he says he loves her as if she were and emphasized that she will continue to be a fundamental part of his life.

Ramos Perdomo, who arrived in the state of Missouri this weekend thanks to humanitarian parole, explained in an interview with journalist Mario J. Pentón that he met Marta almost four years ago when he rented a house with his partner that is owned by Marta.

He says that Marta is exactly as they see her in the videos, and that her numerous antics led him to ask the elderly woman's family for permission to document that spontaneity and naturalness that has made her so famous and beloved.

She stated that the elderly woman does not want to travel to the U.S. and emphasized that this decision must be respected because she is an older person.

She is not interested in coming. She wants to stay there in Cuba. Logical. We cannot force older people to make a decision just because we want to. They have the right to decide and that is their decision," Ariel explained.

I have prepared a video that shows Marta's true feelings. She is 79 years old. At that age, it is very difficult to start over and emigrate. She stayed in the best hands in Cuba, with her family. As for me, she will never be left helpless," the tiktoker assured.

The young man - who studied veterinary but never practiced it due to the living conditions in Cuba - is determined to continue creating content from the United States and wants Marta to be part of it because he says "there is no Ariel without Marta."

At various points in the interview, the young man emphasized that beyond the fact that the elderly woman's blood family takes very good care of her in Cuba, he will also make sure she lacks nothing.

Blood does not determine a family. I also want to make it clear that she is in good hands, she eats well, and, as she herself says, there is plenty of Marta to go around," concluded Ramos Perdomo.

Quizzed about his decision to emigrate, he said that the United States is "the country of freedom, the country where everything one sets out to do can be achieved," and that is why he feels happy to start a new life, something he has been able to begin thanks to his brother, who was already living in the United States, vouching for him.

What can I tell you? Like every migrant who arrives here for the first time in the U.S., it has been something wonderful. I was completely unaware of such a wonderful country, and for me, it has been impressive, really. I imagine it happens to all of us," he said when describing his first impressions.

Ramos Perdomo, 29, also commented on the situation of the elderly in Cuba, who survive on pensions of 1,500 pesos per month.

"We had to fight, her daughter had to fight, my mom and dad had to fight, the whole family, everyone had to fight to give Marta a life she deserves," he pointed out regarding the specific case of the elderly woman.

Ariel Perdomo also expressed being moved by the difficult situation of young Cubans, many of whom cannot leave the country and see their dreams frustrated time and time again.

I see that there are many young people who cannot go out, who do not have the possibility, who are wasting time. It is very, very, very difficult. You see people aging, and aging rapidly. It is sad for me to see young people who cannot embark on their journeys.

It was last Sunday, May 19th, when Ariel took everyone by surprise after sharing a video in which his arrival at Kansas airport was shown, where he was greeted by a group of people who came with balloons and an American flag.

The young man left Cuba from Varadero on an American Airlines flight bound for Miami, as his ticket showed.

Immediately, unaware that they were not grandmother and grandson in real life despite that wonderful chemistry that made them famous, hundreds of internet users congratulated them but expressed the same concern: what happens now with Marta and how would she have been left without her partner in so many fun adventures?

In March, in one of her friendly videos, Marta spoke of Ariel as her grandson, and emphatically stated that whoever messed with him "does not value life."

On that occasion, the lady defined herself as a "tough cookie" and added that she was learning about social media, cooks very well, and when she gets mad... she uses bad language. The video ended with her and her supposed grandson dancing reggaeton before embracing emotionally.

In April, in another fun recording, Ariel joked saying that they had received the parole and that they were giving online English classes.

Last month, they reached 100,000 followers on Instagram and celebrated by going for a ride on a scooter.

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