The government approves regulation governing the Social Security system for workers abroad residing in Cuba.

At the moment, none of the new decree-laws has been published in the Official Gazette. It is unknown if the regulation will affect repatriated Cubans who reside and work abroad.

The Cuban regime approved four new decree-laws this Monday, among which stands out a new regulation regarding the social security of Cuban workers hired abroad and with established residence in the national territory.

The decree law "Special Social Security Regime for Workers who are Individually Hired to Work Abroad" establishes the special social security regime that workers residing in Cuba who hire themselves out outside the national territory must adhere to.

This was reflected by the Cuban News Agency (ACN) in a note in which no further details were provided, without even specifying the date for the implementation of the regulation. According to the agency, these details will be published "in due course." At the time of writing this note, none of the new decree laws have been published in the Official Gazette. It is unknown whether the regulation will affect repatriated Cubans who reside and work abroad.

During the meeting of the State Council dedicated to "correcting distortions and reinvigorating the economy in Cuba with rigor and comprehensiveness," three new decree-laws were approved, including a modification of Decree Law 56 on "Maternity of the Worker and Family Responsibilities," which had been in effect since October 2021.

A report from the National Television News highlighted the agenda of the conclave, but without revealing the content of the new laws approved in the presence of the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel, the Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, and the President of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), Esteban Lazo Hernández.

Regarding the modification of Decree Law 56, the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, pointed out that the approved change involves an extension of the period of social benefits (maternity leave) up to 15 months of the child.

Two more decree laws "On Arbitration and International Commercial Mediation" and "On the Compensation Fund" were also approved at the meeting.

The official information did not detail the content of these decrees, but assured they were aimed at reordering "issues with a greater impact on the population, such as those that influence the reactivation of productive capacities and the generation of foreign income for the country."

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