The most anticipated hug: Young person surprises their parents in Cuba after two years without seeing each other.

After two years without seeing my parents, I arrived as a surprise.

Two Cuban parents were taken by surprise of their lives to see their daughter suddenly appear at home, after two years apart.

Without wanting the long-awaited hug to end, the father is seen in the emotional moment, shared on TikTok by the user Jade Garea.

"After two years without seeing my parents, I arrived as a surprise," he wrote about the video that has moved online and that shows how much Cuban families suffer from the emigration of their loved ones.

Cuba: A sad people, individuals distressed by the situation in the country, and millions of families separated by thousands of kilometers, families separated by a better future," reads precisely the message accompanying the post, which joins many others shared on the network.

The emotional meeting of this Cuban family has touched the hearts of many, reminding us of the difficult circumstances that Cubans face due to migration. Jade Garea's story is just one of many that reflect the reality of thousands of families seeking a better future, despite the distance and challenges. The hope of reuniting and embracing their loved ones again is what drives many to keep going.

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