A young person stands up in defense of Cuban men: "There is no one in the world with a more noble heart."

In her TikTok account, this young woman listed the positive traits of her male compatriots.

A young Cuban woman came to the defense of her male compatriots by highlighting all the virtues that characterize them.

In a video shared on TikTok, this girl started by mentioning that Cubans are usually labeled as crazy, rowdy, heavy drinkers, lazy people who don't like to work, cheaters, among other things. However, in her opinion, this is what those who haven't had the opportunity to truly get to know a Cuban say.

According to this young woman, men like that exist all over the world and she took the opportunity in the video to give her definition of Cubans.

The Cuban is a being so pure of heart that I believe there is no one in the world with a nobler and larger heart than Cubans. When a Cuban offers you their hand, they do it with all their heart because they are so helpful (...) A Cuban lives for their family, for a Cuban, family, mother, children, siblings, spouse, are sacred. There is nothing in the world greater for a Cuban than their family," the young woman stated.

In his video, he also alluded to other characteristics of Cubans that differentiate them from people of other nationalities: "The Cuban is joy, the Cuban radiates wherever he goes with his smile, with his joy, with his enthusiasm, with his vitality."

To those who label them as lazy, he replied: "The Cuban does work, and works hard, and is a person who likes to grow, who likes to be successful, who likes to reach the top, who does whatever it takes to make it big."

With a reflection on the abilities of Cubans in the intimacy of couple relationships, she closed the defense of her compatriots that was applauded by many Internet users.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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